Social bookmarking is a method of bookmarking your favorite web pages online, allowing you to access them anytime and anywhere, as long as you're connected to the internet.
Social bookmarking involves saving and maintaining bookmarks of web documents, pages, and other online content. Similar to offline bookmarking, social bookmarking allows users to save links for future use. The primary purpose of social bookmarking is to boost traffic to specific websites. This technique has been widely used for the past 13 years by many websites. Examples of social bookmarking websites include, Dribbble, and Digg.
When we browse the internet for information, we often bookmark web pages in our browser to read them later without having to search for them again. However, if our browser crashes, our system is formatted, or we are not at the same computer where we saved the bookmarks, we may lose access to them.
To address this issue, social bookmarking was introduced. Now, you can access your bookmarks from any location using any computer connected to the internet.